If your account privileges were permanently suspended and you’d like Hayani Designs to review your account for reinstatement, you can file an appeal.
First be sure you thoroughly understand Hayani Designs House Rules. If you’re a seller, make sure you don’t have any listings that violate our Prohibited Items, Handmade Policy, or Intellectual Property Policy.
What happens after I file my appeal?
A specialist will review your appeal and your account history, and reply with a final decision over email. Due to the complex nature of these investigations, it can take up to two weeks to receive a decision.
Please be transparent and forthcoming with any details requested during the appeals process, as it is your final chance to potentially reopen your business on Hayani Designs.
Submitting an appeal doesn’t guarantee reinstatement of your account privileges. The appeal only ensures that a qualified specialist will conduct a review of your account history and information to determine the status of your account.
What happens if my appeal is unsuccessful?
If a specialist determines that your account will remain permanently closed, there will be no further consideration of reinstatement.
If you see something unusual, or if you’ve received an unexpected email from Hayani Designs regarding your account, change your password
If you’re having trouble signing in to your Hayani Designs account, you can reset your password.
I didn’t receive a password reset email
Check your email inbox again, as these emails might end up in your spam or junk mail folder. Search for ‘[email protected]’ in your email inbox and look for the subject line ‘Reset Your Password’.
What do I do if my account is suspended?
If your shop was suspended, you may have received an email from Hayani Designs letting you know. Respond directly to that email and request that your shop be reopened.
Choose your shop name, then click Save and continue
You’ll now have a draft shop. Before your open shop, you must create your item listings, choose your payment methods, and set up billing.
After you add your billing info, you’ll see a button to publish your shop.
Once your shop is open, you can customise the look of your shop with a logo and shop banners.
What can I sell on Hayani Designs?
Everything listed for sale on Hayani Designs must be handmade, Digital product or a craft supply. Items sold on Hayani Designs must also follow our Prohibited Items Policy.
Handmade items Handmade items are items that are made and/or designed by you, the seller. If you sell handmade items, you must:
Physically make or create the original designs for your items. Include each person involved in making your items or running your business in the About section of your shop. If you work with a production partner, you must disclose that production partner in your relevant listings. Use your own photographs in your listings.
Craft supplies Craft supplies on Hayani Designs are tools, ingredients, or materials whose primary purpose is for use in the creation of an item or special occasion. Craft supplies may be handmade, commercial, or vintage. Party supplies may also be sold as craft supplies.