Most issues are resolved by working with the seller. If you contacted the seller more than 48 hours ago, choose Open a case so Hayani Designs can help you. You’ll receive a refund for any item that doesn’t arrive, arrives damaged, or doesn’t match the item description or photos.
You may be able to cancel your order depending on the shop’s policies. If you want to cancel, the seller you purchased from is the best person to help you with. Each seller on Hayani Designs manages their own orders and makes decisions about cancellations, refunds, and returns.
The seller wasn’t able to help me
If the seller is unable to help you, your next step is to let us know so we can resolve the issue. Choose your order, then select Open a case at the bottom of the page.
For qualifying orders, if the item you ordered doesn’t arrive, arrives damaged, or doesn’t match the item description or photos, you’ll receive a full refund. Learn more about Hayani Designs Purchase Protection programme.